Neil Patrick Harris Announced as Oscars Host; Twitter Reacts

Having been highly praised for performing hosting duties at the Tony Awards and the Emmy Awards, the well-loved Neil Patrick Harris has been announced as the host of the 2015 Academy Awards, set to be held next February. The actor broke the news in typically humorous fashion with a video of his bucket list posted via his Twitter account.

Few would argue that there are many better options to host the ceremony, given Harris’ natural rapport with audiences and history with similarly big shows. Two years ago saw Seth McFarlane given the job in an attempt to liven up a ceremony that many considered rather dreary — a decision which wasn’t met with much positivity and led to a far more restrained show hosted by Ellen DeGeneres earlier this year.

Harris will likely be able to toe the line in between his two predecessors, adding some zip and vigour to proceedings without alienating a section of the Oscars audience by targeting too young a crowd. He’s a smart choice from the looks of things, and it seems that Twitter thinks so too.

Many were so excited about the news that they used it as an opportunity to whip out one of Harris’ How I Met Your Mother character Barney Stinson’s catchphrases — and I mean a lot of people were this excited. A lot.

Yep, legendary. We get it. People love to hear that catchphrase — there’s even a Twitter account seemingly devoted to retweeting nothing but people dropping the immortal piece of Stinson wisdom, and it’s managed to amass more than 4,000 followers. It seems that HIMYM is gone but far from forgotten.

As with seemingly any announcement on the internet, it wasn’t long before social media users felt it was time share their input on how proceedings should go ahead, with their suggestions ranging from ‘very good’ to ‘not worth sharing on Twitter’.

A Unicorn would, undoubtedly, make the ceremony one to remember. However, it’s probably not the easiest thing to source and would certainly be a struggle to contain after its five minutes on stage. Some people, on the other hand, always have to think about what could have been.

There are many such tweets belatedly campaigning for other hosts — at least the suggestion of Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a very good one. Still, Harris does seem like the best person for the job — could we be about to see that beginnings of a Bob Hope-esque run for the Dr. Horrible star? It’s difficult to tell at this point, but if reaction after the event is as positive as it is following the announcement, it’s certainly not outside of the realms of possibility.

What do you think of NPH as the host for the 2015 Oscars? Love it? Wish it was someone else? Make your voice heard in the comments section below or by getting in touch with us via the Social News Daily Twitter account.

Magui Sandjou


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