Morgue buried in filth after weenie cake shows up at office


In the conference room at the Macomb County Medical Examiner’s Office, a cake shaped like a Black phallus popped up and it’s causing issues.

One investigator says not only was the pastry obscene, but it underlined a protracted dilemma at the morgue that ultimately cost three staffers their jobs. According to a formal complaint, the morgue in Macomb County is buried in furore involving gripes of all sorts: Employees hung pornography in the office, bullied females who complained, mocked African-Americans probing about deaths of loved ones’, and for fun recently purchased in a cake frosted with male privates.

via Flickr

The cake pushed one employee over the edge — leading her to file a complaint with the federal government. Last week, three female employees at the office were fired for supposed workplace misconduct that one staffer says went on for five years at least — and now the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has the workplace dispute in their hands,  That worker — a person of color and a death investigator — explained she long desired to report the vile behavior however feared reprisal so she remained silent.

Then the pictorial cake came. In an interview with the Free Press recently the woman said: “I was livid — furious actually. All these cities are on fire for the Black Lives Matter movement, and here’s my staff eating a black penis cake as a joke? That really pushed me over the edge.” Therefore, she filed a complaint with Macomb County and the EEOC. The official complaint says: “There has been an ongoing hostile work environment within the Medical Examiner’s Office since I have been here. The office culture is tainted with racism toward people of color. This was not only ignored by managing personnel but participated in by the supervising staff.”


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