“Millenials of New York” Poke Fun at Yuccie Stereotypes

Millenials of New York

By now, most of you social media netizens are familiar with the art project “Humans of New York”. you also probably know that it’s not just captured the hearts of many followers, but also sparked a dozen or so other accounts following in its footsteps — TOKYO+MADE (Humans of Tokyo) and Humans of Istanbul are just a couple of the myriad offshoots of the movement.

And then, there are the parody sites, with “Orcs of New York” having just joined their ranks.

Oh, and now, there’s also “Millenials of New York”, yet another parody account on Instagram that highlights the struggles of Gen Y on their quest to have their cake and eat it, too. And as we say, the struggle is real.

Sorta. Kinda.

“MONY” was created by Alec MacDonald and Connor Toole of Elite Daily (who we’re willing to bet our next artisanal foccaccia grilled cheese sandwich and craft beer are millennials themselves) who saw how ripe our generation was for the ribbing, and just went for it. While not entirely non-fiction, we can’t deny that the posts are super-relatable in an over-the-top way.

The captions are a brilliant blend of dead-pan snark, curated pretension, naivete, and all the nuances and lifestyle choices that make us Millenials want to seize Life and go for its throat. This parody account’s humor is a jab in the ribs as much as it is a mirror held up, because let’s face it, what kind of generation are we if can’t laugh at ourselves from time to time?

“This is my favorite shirt. I love Buddhism.”

A photo posted by Millennials of New York (@millennials_of_newyork) on

“My girlfriend and I have been together for 3 years, and we couldn’t have done it without Netflix. A decade ago we would’ve definitely broken up by now, but with Netflix streaming, it’s amazing, we barely even have to think about how much we hate each other. She can say things like, ‘If you take a bite of my sandwich I’m going to set your fucking cat on fire,’ and I can throw that sandwich out the window and punch another hole in the wall. Then, all we’ll have to do is switch on ‘Pretty Little Liars’ for six hours to slowly bury all that misery back down inside our cold, loveless hearts, where it belongs. We can’t thank you enough, Netflix. We’re getting married in the fall.”

A photo posted by Millennials of New York (@millennials_of_newyork) on

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