Microsoft’s #DroidRage Backfires, #WindowsRage Trending On Google Plus


Whoever’s running Microsoft’s Windows Phone Twitter account thought it would be a good idea to create the hashtag #DroidRage where Android users could share their malware horror stories. It appears they were planning on giving away a new phone to a lucky person.

Turns out, that was a bad idea. Many tweets have been posted chastising Windows Phone and throwing a few jokes in.

Because of what Microsoft started on Twitter, the hashtag #WindowsRage is trending on Google Plus. It’s currently at the number two spot, showing an all-out attack on Windows.

Creating conversations around hashtags can be tricky. McDonald’s is a great example of another company that had a hashtag backfire horribly. In the meantime, Microsoft and Windows Phone appear to be ignoring tweets with #DroidRage even though they’re continuing to flow in.



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