Earlier this year, Donald Trump was rebuked across the globe for referring to certain African nations as “sh*thole countries.” Now, in an ironic twist of fate, Melania Trump is planning to visit these countries in October, and shockingly, she’s not taking the President with her.
In a statement to the Associated Press, Melania said: “This will be my first time travelling to Africa and I am excited to educate myself on the issues facing children through the continent.
“We are a global society and I believe it is through open dialogue and the exchanging of ideas that we have a real opportunity to learn from one another.”
While a spokesperson for Melania said the FLOTUS was excited to raise awareness of humanitarian projects in Africa, as well as exploring the continent’s history and culture.
In January, The Washington Post reported that Trump had asked officials in a White House meeting why so many people come to the US from “sh*thole countries,” meaning the African nations of Haiti and El Salvador. He also pondered why people from Scandinavian countries such as Norway don’t move to the US in greater numbers.
The African Union, which is made up of 55 nations, said that Trump’s comments were “clearly racist.” While Rupert Colville, the UN Human Rights spokesman, said: “There is no other word one can use but racist. You cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as ‘shitholes’, whose entire populations, who are not white, are therefore not welcome.”
A recent survey revealed that more than half of American voters feel that race relations have worsened under the Trump administration, and with remarks like these, that’s not at all surprising.