Google has decided to open up the ability to buy Google Glass…but it’s April 15th only.
The often parodied but somewhat interesting offering from the search giant allows you to wander around and speak to your glasses, complete with the ability to see things projected to one eye…while looking…we’ll just leave it as interesting.
There are some conditions: you must be over the age of 18 and willing to spend $1,500.
According to a post on Google Plus:
Next Tuesday, April 15th at 6am PDT, we’re opening up some spots in the Glass Explorer Program. Any adult in the US* can become an Explorer by visiting our site and purchasing Glass for $1500 + tax – and it now comes with your favorite shade or frame, thanks to feedback from our current Explorers. The number of spots available is limited, so mark your calendar if you want to get in. You can find us on Tuesday at:
If you’re really keen, follow the link above.