A father who beat testicular cancer has adorned his home with Christmas lights that read ‘Check Your Nuts’ to elevate awareness for the cause.
In October 2018, 41-year-old Christian Roach initially began feeling pain in his testicles. In January, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer and, following treatment, he is now ‘good to go.’ To commemorate, Roach from Trealaw, Rhondda, Wales, elected to hoist up a festive light exhibit to encourage other males to check their stones.
He spelled out ‘Check Yr Nuts’ implementing 750 fairy lights strung up outside the front of his house. The father-of-three explained: “I had cancer at Christmas last year but I had no idea. “I knew something was wrong and couldn’t properly enjoy Christmas. I am normally very bubbly but my mates and the family said I seemed off. I tried to put on a brave face but people did say I didn’t seem like myself. The message with the Christmas lights is massive and really important to me.
“We trim up with lights every year and I just said this as a joke at first. But Nicola loved the idea and we ran with it. The street is glowing up now it is. I knew very little about cancer and stuff before but it’s so important to catch it early. If you do there is a good chance it can be sorted. I know it’s not nice going to the doctors and pulling out your private parts but it has got to be done. If the lights can help just one man then it has worked.”
Three weeks later, Roach underwent an operation to detach one of his testicles. “It felt amazing to be given the all clear so quickly. I was very stressed about it and Christmas was a very hard time of the year for me last year. It was a massive relief to get it sorted and I am so pleased I did they right thing to get it checked out.”
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