One Queensland couple, on Australia’s Gold Coast, used a cake to commemorate a rather contrasting affair recently – the first fart.
Ryan McErlean’s girlfriend, 21-year-old Kaylie Warren at last farted in front of him after three years of being together. McErlean, 24, was so pleased with his partner that he elected to felicitate her by getting her a florid cake, with a lovely message scripted in the icing on top. The effete cheesecake worded: “Took you three years, congratulations for finally farting.”

A month after the two began dating, McErlean and Warren formed a pact that if she ever farted in front of him, he would purchase her a sweet dessert. Honoring his word, he got her an Sh2 800 cake after she inadvertently passed gas one night while in bed with him. McErlean expressed: “With me, it was like three hours, or maybe a matter of days. But Kaylie is more polite when it comes to that sort of thing, so maybe a month or two into our relationship when I hadn’t heard one yet I said it to assure her it was alright to do – it was to break the ice. Three years of extreme reluctance and denial later, she finally slipped up.
“I spent $40 AUD on the cake and Kaylie started laughing when she saw it, she thought it was incredible. When I bought the cake the guy in the shop was surprisingly chilled about it, said he’d had weirder requests. But I wrote it down instead of saying it because there were other people in the shop and I was afraid of strange looks. People were bragging about how quickly they farted in front of people, it’s good to get your mind off the situation we’re in I guess – if a fart cake does that then I’ve done my job.”