A 40-year-old paralyzed man was forced by Delta Airlines to crawl off a plane and onto the tarmac. D. Baraka Kanaan says the airline offered him $100 for his humiliation.
The former college professor and non-profit director was waiting for help off the plane at Nantucket Memorial Airport last year when Delta employees refused to help him and refused to provide him with the equipment he needed to exit the page.
In his civil lawsuit Kanaan says Delta employees promised to provide him with an aisle seat and a lift to place him in and out of his wheelchair. Upon his arrive he was told by a flight attendant that Delta didn’t have the equipment needed to get him off the plane.
While wearing his “nicest suit” the professor was forced to crawl “hand over hand through the cabin, down a narrow flight of stairs and across the tarmac while crewmembers simply watched.”
The Delta airline customers story has since went viral with Now.MSN trending the term “man crawls off plane.”
The viral nature of the story has naturally angered Twitter users who took to the micro-blogging network to air their disgust with Delta Airlines.
A disabled man claims he had to crawl of an airplane. Delta Airlines responded to the allegation saying, “Duh. We’re Delta Airlines.”
— Tony Bartolone (@TonyDoesComedy) August 2, 2013
Disabled man forced to crawl across tarmac by Delta airlines. Made it to Atlanta quicker than the flight https://t.co/9AiYOEe3vL
— fark (@fark) July 30, 2013
@THErealDVORAK I have used Delta, so I understand…. Wheelchair-bound passenger forced to crawl off Delta flight https://t.co/92Gt5qG1uu
— rmandtech (@rmandtech) July 29, 2013
Don’t book Delta for disabled passengers unless they like to crawl https://t.co/nwc3ZN22bh
— Is there help? (@twitsanon) July 27, 2013
Don’t book Delta for disabled passengers unless they like to crawl: A former professor of philosophy at the… https://t.co/pYG278il4q
— Turisdata (@turisdata) July 26, 2013
The outrage against the man forced to crawl on both legs of his Delta trip is even more pronounced in the comment sections of websites who have chosen to report the story.