Maker Studios Teams With Kevin Smith, Will Help Him Navigate This Whole ‘Newfangled’ YouTube Thing

Kevin Smith teams up with Maker Studios

Director Kevin Smith may be able to navigate the big screen but when it comes to YouTube he’s at a loss. That’s why the famed writer/director/actor has teamed up with the group at Maker Studios.

Together they will run Kevin Smith’s newest YouTube channel titled SeeSMod.

Talking about the new venture Kevin Smith reveals:

“I’m an old moviemaker, unfamiliar with the newfangled ways of the YouTube generation. Getting in bed with Maker allows me and SModCo to learn how the cool kids do things. I look forward to their patience as they teach a fat Padawan how to be a Jedi at YouTube the Maker way, and I plan to shoe-horn myself into all their fine programs.”

As one of the largest YouTube networks on the planet Maker Studios is responsible for some awesomely funny content including Epic Rap Battles of History, KassemG and many others.

SeeSMod initially launched in May but then re-launched on January 7. Shows that run on a weekly basis already include Why Bry?, Comichead, Walt Flanegan Draws!, and Sloppy Seconds with Kevin Smith!

Despite Kevin Smith’s celebrity the channels in production have only grabbed 62.800 subscribers and 3 million pageviews.

Here are a few clips from SeeSMod shows:



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