A clever photographer has given an otherworldly appearance to various beautiful European natural environments – by shooting them entirely in Infrared.

Whether it be ceaseless tracks across fields or billowing snowy mountains, David Hochleitner’s images look like they’d be more ideal to a wonder tale than over the continent. Having become first involved in photography in 2010, Hochleitner snaps roughly 50 infrared images annually in a series that continues to mature.
He expressed: “You can give an otherwise boring scene a completely new twist and everyday places and scenes can look completely different and even bewildering in infrared. What also fascinates me about infrared photography are the endless possibilities to control the captured light spectrum with different filters.
“When using a full spectrum converted digital camera, you have in fact a tool that sees visible light as well as Infrared and UV to certain extent. By using filters, you can control the look of your images in a way that would be difficult if not impossible to achieve in Photoshop.”

David ordinarily shoots such mesmerizing images around his native Austria – including Carinthia, Stralzburg and Styria. In the near future, he plans to include more mountainscapes to his unspecified series.

The photographer furthered: “I try to give landscape scenery a new twist with the use of infrared. “I like the dramatic look you can give otherwise calming scenery by presenting it in strong, deep red colors.”
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