Madonna Doesn’t Care About Your Instagram Sanctimony

madonna son drinking instagram

Pop star Madonna posted a pic of her son Rocco, 13, to Instagram … and because there was also alcohol in the image, the weight of internet holier than thou fell instantly on the comments section.

Over on Instagram, Madonna posted the pic above, captioned:

The party has just begun! Bring it! 2014

And since the two most common elements in the social media universe are hydrogen and sanctimony, of course there was a lot of nagging over it.

Recent comments on the pic include “hello rehab…” and “the resemblance to Anna Nicole Smith’s son is uncanny … hmmmmm,” but in typical Madonna fashion, no f*cks were given about the controversy.

Here’s the original:

A day later, Madonna was back, telling everyone to lighten up and quit being such babies about the whole thing — she posted:

Later images posted by Madonna to Instagram showed a skiing trip, with no more references to the alcohol pic — and most fans were supportive, reminding the star to ignore “haters.”



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