Maybe you have seen this clip? Maybe not. Either way, watch it again or watch it for the first time. Beware of all the fierce.
He is zoning in on that camera, only to break for a moment to throw shade and he is right back at it. This infamous dancer is a 15-year-old from Las Vegas named Brendan Jordan. He was dancing the iconic moves of Lady Gaga herself from her music video and accompanied dance moves to her song “Applause.”
Lady Gaga saw the tape and tweeted yesterday, “I know I was on vacation, but when are we going to talk about the boy who did applause choreography in the background of a news report.” With a crying/weeping emoji? Does that mean she liked it? Man, I sure hope so.
Obviously Brendan saw the tweet and had his own mini-freak out session.
[Photo credit: YouTube]