Kim Kardashian Is (Gasp) Right About Instagram Thailand Photo

kim kardashian

Kim Kardashian caught a lot of flack last week after it was discovered that she stole a photo from Google Images and used it on her personal Instagram. The reality star was called a fraud, a liar, and a whore (seriously, some people were strangely upset about the whole thing) for using a photo of Thailand that she didn’t actually take on her account.

Kim wrote: Thank you for the beautiful memories Thailand

But here’s the thing: So what?

Instagram has become famous for giving fans an inside look at celebrity lives but there’s no law that requires every photo to be original. People post memes, screenshots, their friends photos, etc… and no one ever complains. So why all this hoopla over Kim Kardashian’s photo?

The image was taken from and is available as a free HD wallpaper download. There shouldn’t be any copyright issues here but if there is that’s between Kim and ScienceLakes.

But Kim Kardashian haters weren’t really concerned with copyright. They just thought that Kim was a fraud because she used someone else’s photo to brag about her Thailand trip. I’m not really sure how that makes her a fraud… Do you not believe that she actually went to Thailand?

Kim responded to the nontroversy on her blog, writing on her personal blog: “I instagramed a pic of Thailand I found on Google thanking Thailand for the memories we had on our recent trip. I never claimed to have taken that pic. It was the best pic to show how pretty Thailand was. I was already home and couldn’t take a new pic… just didn’t have scenic pics on my phone! I see today people are calling me a fraud… but ummm when did I ever say i took that pic? LOL.”

Yeah, I can’t believe it either. But Kim Kardashian is right.

The fact is that some people hate Kim Kardashian purely because she’s Kim Kardashian. No matter what she does people are going to find something wrong with it.

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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