John Lewis Release New Christmas Commercial ‘Monty the Penguin’

Over the past few years, British department store John Lewis have grown accustomed to releasing emotionally-charged Christmas commercial to send their customers into a frenzy, and their 2014 effort will certainly please those who enjoyed previous instalments. It may seem rather strange that people get genuinely excited over an advertisement, but for many the John Lewis advert has become a Christmas tradition, much like the first ‘Holidays Are Coming’ Coca-Cola advert of the year.

The first John Lewis commercial to really capture the imagination of the public came in 2011. In the ad, a small boy is shown counting down to Christmas excitedly — only for the twist in the end to be that he was actually waiting to give a gift to his parents rather than receive anything himself. Some six million views on YouTube — separate from the television airings that the spot was created for — suggested that John Lewis were onto something.

The ad for 2012 was entitled ‘The Journey’, which followed a tenacious snowman braving the elements to get a gift for his snow-partner in time for Christmas Day. Last year saw a lavishly animated two-minute spot where a hare ensured that his best friend, a bear, enjoyed Christmas despite his tendency to hibernate through the holiday. Anthropomorphic animals proved to be a very canny move, resulting in over 13 million views on YouTube.

This year retains the animal aspect, with a computer-animated penguin named Monty who looks set to melt a few hearts. In the ad, Monty and his human companion enjoy the run-up to Christmas, but Monty seems distracted by his lack of a fellow penguin to enjoy the holidays with.

Monty already has his own Twitter presence with some 7,000 followers, as well as having been watched by almost a million people on YouTube — not bad, to say the ad only hit the internet today. As you might imagine, he’s already made quite a stir on social media — here are some of the highlights.

Monty Goes Beyond the Ad

For many, the talents of Monty stretch far beyond a mere advertising campaign. It seems that there is no end to the roles that the penguin could fill in his future.

Monty in Literature

You might think that poor old Monty wouldn’t be looked upon too well by the more serious literary types, what with being part of a possibly cynical marketing ploy and all that. However, that is not the cast — seemingly, no one can say no to a penguin.

The Monty Fan Club

The vast, vast majority of talk about Monty is simply praise of the little beast. People really love penguins, it seems.

Are you a fan of Monty? Do the John Lewis ads hit the spot for you? Or is all this focus on Christmas shopping a bit invasive (and a bit early) for your tastes? Let us know in the comments section below, or get in touch via Twitter by following @SocialNewsDaily.

Magui Sandjou


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