JCPenney Drunk Tweeting During Super Bowl XLVIII? #TweetingWithMittens Goes Viral

JCPenney and Super Bowl on Twitter

With Super Bowl XLVIII underway, the team at JCPenney sent out several tweets that made it appear as if the company’s Twitter team was highly inebriated.

Here are the messages which quickly received thousands of retweets and “favorites.”

So why would JCPenney drunk tweet during Super Bowl XLVIII? To sell mittens of course! As you can probably guess, the company was using Twitter as a Super Bowl commercial of sorts. And just like SodaStream and others this year, they chose to forgo a $4 million commercial and instead focus their efforts on far cheaper (free) tweets. Here is the final end product for the company’s drunken messages:

With the hashtag #GoTeamUSA I suspect that alcohol was still involved regardless of the company’s attempt to sell winter apparel. Some fans loved the gimmick:

While other Super Bowl watchers thought the campaign felt too manufactured:

Are you guilty of @TweetingWithMittens?



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