The message “God does not exist” could very well land a man from Indonesia in jail after he posted the message on a Facebook page titled Ateis Minang (Minang Atheist).
The page, which has received more than 1,700 likes has since removed the “God does not exist” message and it’s supporters are urging police to release the name after he was attacked and beaten by an angry mob of dozens of people who entered the government office where he works. Police placed the man in protective police custody on Friday for his own protection.
According to Dharmasraya Police Chief Sr. Comr. Chairul Aziz various Islamic organizations believed Aan had defiled Islam by using passages from the Koran to denounce the existence of God and to highlight atheist views.
Chairul told The Jakarta Globe:
“So it meets the criteria of tainting religion, in this case Islam.”
According to the Facebook page Aan was raised Muslim but in 2008 he decided god does not exist, he has also declared that he does not believe in angels, devils, heaven, hell and various other stories he calls “myths.”
Under Indonesian law Athiesm is a violation of the countries founding principles. In fact the country only allows six religions to be practices, they are Islam, Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhism and Confucianism. The issue arose not just because of his Athiest belief but because it’s believed he has tried to convince others to stop practicing religion, a move that is forbidden in the country.
In his defense Anan told authorities that if God really exists and has absolute power, “why didn’t God prevent bad things from happening in this world?”