Some six-year-old girls look like six-year-old girls but few lucky ones, well, they mature a little quicker. In fact, rumor has it that NBC is working on a reboot of The Golden Girls starring nothing but 6-year-olds.
The joke started about a week ago when a Redditor posted his wife’s school photo to the internet with the title “My wife looked like a 60 year old woman as a child.”
The image quickly turned into a meme…
… and soon other Redditor’s admitted that they also suffered from the Benjamin Button disease.
Meet Blanche….
…. Dorothy
… And don’t forget Rose.
Unfortunately, all of the girls grew out of their 60-year-old phase and now look like normal , regular-sized adults, so it looks like NBC will have to go on a nationwide search for the cast of The Golden Girls: The Early Years.
Of course, the best place to look for 6-year-olds who look like 60-year-old is in the 90s so we might have to wait until someone invents a time machine to capitalize on this comedic goldmine.