An extremely disturbing video about killing a baby with a baseball bat has been uploaded to YouTube. The video, titled “Hood Sponsor Testimony on Abortion Ultrasound Bill” was placed on the network by Hentz Ethridge.
In the video a young man demonstrates how to “abort” a baby, by slamming the bad into his girlfriends stomach. Calling himself the “Hood Abortionist” the man picks up a bat and proclaims, “you just swing your bat no more baby.”
The videos caption doesn’t explain the video, instead it simply rambles on for quite a long time.
“Rep. Ron Hood (R-Ashville) offers sponsor testimony on House Bill 200, which, among other provisions, would require 48-hour waiting periods and ultrasounds b.
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Abortion Bill at the Texas State Capital.
Planned Parenthood lobbyist testifies against born-alive infants protection act.”
You can check out the rest of the caption and its attack on the Texas-based bill on its official YouTube page.
The video is not new to the web, it was originally uploaded by a Viner named King Bach. The original Vine has since been removed.