How Does Your Garden Grow: Popular Parenting Pinterest Pin Picks

Self-Watering Herb Wine Bottles

Welcome to Week 3 of Popular Parenting Pinterest Pin Picks! As a mom blogger, I am presenting my top Pinterest pins from and for fellow parenting blogs on a particular topic each week. With spring in the air, gardening pins are all the rage on the social sharing site right now. Here are my top favorite garden-inspired pins for the week.

Popular Container Gardening Pin

Container gardening is a great way to grow plants when you have a small amount of space. Growing your garden in containers is also a great way to recycle old materials that you have laying around your house. My top pick this week is an awesome DYI container gardening idea using old wine bottles to create a self-watering planter from DYI Home Ideas.

Self-Watering Herb Wine Bottles

Popular Children’s Gardening Pin

Gardening is a great way to get kids involved in science as well as to get kids up and moving outdoors. As warmer spring weather approaches, parents can help kids start their gardens indoors by planting a few seeds in starter pots. My top children’s gardening pick for the week is a fun idea for starting beans inside in way that allows kids to actually watch the sprout growing: Growing Beans on Cotton Balls from The Imagination Tree.

Growing Beans in Cotton Balls

Popular Garden Marker Pin

One aspect of gardening that I struggle with is marking which plants are which. Often I forget what I planted where until my fruits, veggies, and herbs are full grown and ready to eat. Garden markers are a simple solution to this problem. My top pick for gardening markers is Creative Ideas for Plant Markers from Happiness Crafty.

Wooden Spoon Garden Markers

Popular Herb Garden Pin

If you have ever planted herbs in your garden, then you know that these tasty plants can grow like weeds. My top herb garden pin for the week is an idea that has been popping up on pinners’ gardening boards over the last several weeks: a sunken pot herb garden via Townmouse.

Sunken Pot Herb Garden

Popular Green Gardening Pin

Many people choose to garden because of the environmentally-friendly aspect of the hobby. However, depending on the methods and materials used, your garden may not be so green. My top green gardening pin for the week is homemade newspaper seed starters made from recycled newspaper from Hands Are Full, Heart Is Full.

Newspaper Seed Starter

Do you have a favorite gardening pin? Share in the comments below.

Read more from Heather Johnson at The Parenting Patch.

Jean-Pierre Fumey
Jean-Pierre Fumey is a multi-language communication expert and freelance journalist. He writes for and has over 8 years in media and PR. Jean-Pierre crafts engaging articles, handles communication projects, and visits conferences for the latest trends. His vast experience enriches with insightful and captivating content.


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  1. Can't wait for fresh herbs from the garden this summer! Food tastes so much better when you grow it yourself.

  2. I love so many of the gardening pins on Pinterest. I particularly love all the advice on growing different plants.

  3. Agreed! Heather and I love growing our own gardens. We started canister gardening last year and it works soooo well!

  4. I can't wait to have a garden of my own. While I do enjoy smaller potted plant type set ups, it seems a bit more frustrating in an apartment. I want my plants to be able to go a bit wild, enjoy the outdoors and not be confined to the pot I placed them in. I love hydroponics as well and think the wine glass idea is worth a try!