The Hobby Lobby case is trending on Twitter under the hashtag #HobbyLobby, with voices on both sides of the debate weighing in on the landmark case involving birth control, the Affordable Care Act, and whether religious beliefs can be imposed by a corporation on its employees.
The ongoing #HobbyLobby argument has been predictably divisive, with the most vocal contingent strangely being the pro-life caucus — who one might imagine would support measures like easy access to contraceptives that decrease the overall number of abortions:
Supreme Court Should Uphold Hobby Lobby’s Religious Freedom, Overturn Obama’s HHS Mandate #HobbyLobby #tcot
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) March 25, 2014
According to those on the ground, however, supporters on the scene are far more from the anti-Hobby Lobby contingent than the other way around:
Which crowd is bigger at #HobbyLobby protest? The pro-choice movement by far. @ Supreme Court of the…
— Karl Frisch (@KarlFrisch) March 25, 2014
Images of #HobbyLobby protest signs abound, indicating that many Americans see the case as one that far transcends contraception, and really reflects how much say-so over our lives people feel the corporations for which we work expect:
#SCOTUS #HobbyLobby
— Pema Levy (@pemalevy) March 25, 2014
#HobbyLobby: Throw glitter, not shade. #NotMyBossBusiness
— Sara Alcid (@SaraAlcid) March 25, 2014
Tea Party holdouts say the same in reverse:
"Hey, hey; ho, ho – watch our freedoms drift away!" #HobbyLobby #ReligiousFreedom
— Tea Party Patriots (@TPPatriots) March 25, 2014
Dissenters counter:
We are trading away our democracy for a plutocracy. Corporations are not people. #hobbylobby
— Melissa M Melville (@nerdygrrl) March 25, 2014
Even doctors are weighing in:
I have no right to impose my personal beliefs on people regarding their medical treatment. #HobbyLobby shouldn't either. #NotMyBossBusiness
— Leah Torres, MD (@LeahNTorres) March 25, 2014
Are you following the #HobbyLobby debate on Twitter or another social site?