Happy Halloween! Before you put on your costume and hit the streets to fill your bags with candy, check out some of these story on Twitter. The hashtag #ScaryStoriesInFiveWords has been trending this morning as Twitter users share their creepiest tales in 144 characters or less.
#ScaryStoriesIn5Words You ran out of cheese
— Tillamook Cheese (@TillamookCheese) October 31, 2014
OK, so they aren’t exactly scary. But some of them are creative. Here are some of the best Scary Stories in Five Words.
We really need to talk #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
— Kalki Koechlin (@kalkikanmani) October 31, 2014
#ScaryStoriesIn5Words “There is no Wifi here.”
— Nanoween (@Jnano) October 31, 2014
Ghostbusters cast. All Eddie Murphy. #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
— Burnt Bleghk (@brentalfloss) October 31, 2014
We’re all out of bacon. #ScaryStoriesIn5Words #TrickOrMeat
— Jeff Barrett (@BarrettAll) October 31, 2014
Ran into crush—no makeup. #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
— Benefit Cosmetics (@BenefitBeauty) October 31, 2014
“Barack wants a third term” #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) October 31, 2014
there’s a skeleton INSIDE YOU #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
— Dan HowellWEEN (@danisnotonfire) October 31, 2014
Your free trial has expired. #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
— Bridget Scarey (@BridgetCarey) October 31, 2014
It’s snowing on October 31. #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
— Brian Sandalow (@BrianSandalow) October 31, 2014
Your browsing history is published #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
— Tamoor Hussain (@tamoorh) October 31, 2014
Twitter may not seem like the place for fiction writing but the social media platform does have a growing base of writers. Some authors are even publishing short stories via tweets. You can read R.L. Stine’s new Twitter story, “What’s In My Sandwich,” here.
photo credit: Esteban Cavrico via photopin cc