A Good Samaritan with both Star Wars and Pay It Forward in his/her DVD collection bailed redditor Kidderboots out of a parking ticket the other day. As if the relief of dodging hefty Santa Monica parking fines wasn’t enough, the Good Samaritan also made sure to give Kidderboots a decent laugh with an epic note explaining the situation:
“Hey – Saw that parking police roll up about to give your car a ticket. I ran over, pulled out my keys and said ‘sorry! I’m right here!’ She drove off. If you’re reading this, pass on the karma. If the cops are reading this … these aren’t the droids you’re looking for.”
Kidderboots uploaded some photos to r/pics, though the story is also currently experiencing some viral success over at r/karmaconspiracy (an interesting thread you’ll inevitably waste 30 minutes on if you hit that link).
“Citizen of Earth,” we salute you for your kindness.