George Zimmerman’s Trayvon Martin Painting Is Appalling, Tasteless, And Totally Fake

trayvon martin

There are plenty of reasons to be angry with George Zimmerman but selling a painting of Trayvon Martin isn’t one of them.

The internet became outraged today after a story claiming that the notorious neighborhood watchman had sold a painting of the young man he killed for $30,000 went viral.  The story, which features some fake quotes and some photoshop, was original posted on the site The News Nerd.

The News Nerd quotes Zimmerman saying: “Everyone has been asking what I have been doing with myself. I found a creative, way to express myself, my emotions and the symbols that represent my experiences.”

The story also shows a photo of George Zimmerman holding a painting. The painting shows Trayvon Martin in font of an American flag and above the words “Justice For All.” Needless to say, the internet was outraged to hear that Zimmerman was profiting off of Martin’s death.

Like all good hoaxes, the story about George Zimmerman’s Trayvon Martin painting had a few elements of truth to it. After the trial, Zimmerman did take up painting as a way to work through his emotions.

Zimmerman said back in January: “Everyone has been asking what I have been doing with myself. I found a creative, way to express myself, my emotions and the symbols that represent my experiences … My art work allows me to reflect, providing a therapeutic outlet and allows me to remain indoors.”

photo credit: cisc1970 via photopin cc

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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