A K9 in Colombia which has sniffed out a record amount of drugs in her illustrious career with the counter-narcotics police force has been relocated to assure her safety.

Intelligence sources stated the Urabeños drugs gang had put a 200M-peso ($70,000) price tag on the German shepherd’s head after she discovered nearly 10 metric tons of the gang’s cocaine.
The Urabeños is regarded as Colombia’s most powerful criminal organization.
Sombra (Shadow) was shifted from the gang’s citadel to Bogotá airport.
The international airport is deemed safer for the dog as it is outside the gang’s main area of regulation, but the counter-narcotics force is taking zero risks.
Police said that apart from her customary handler, she was now too accompanied by extra officers to enhance her safety during her deployments.

Sombra, 6, had been systematically dispersed in ports on the Atlantic coast including Turbo, a town from which tons of cocaine are shipped by speedboat and at times by submarine to Central America and onto the U.S..
Sombra sniffed out 5.3 metric tons of cocaine in Turbo and recently located another four tons concealed in car parts meant for export.

It is not uncommon for the Urabeños to offer money to rid themselves of anyone standing in their way.
In 2012, police recovered leaflets signed by the gang offering $500 to anyone who murdered a police officer.
The immensely bigger sum the Urabeños are offering for the slaying of Shadow is suggestive of the financial losses her super-sensitive nose has caused them.
Sombra has been apart of the counter-narcotics police force since she was a puppy and is attributable to sniffing out drugs leading to the arrest of 245 suspects.
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