Once again, I’m left with very little to say, and if you’ve watched the video above (likely for the fourth or fifth time before reading this), you understand why.
This guy named Gabriel Valenciano has introduced the “Super Selfie,” which might be a concept that is supposed to take off as a legitimate “thing,” or maybe it’s just the title for his bizarre viral video. We’re not really sure.
It’s kind of hard to tell what this is supposed to be … there’s no description, and gauging from Valenciano’s Twitter page, there’s not much there by way of motive, either. He’s just happy the video is doing so well.
Cuzzzzz!!! OMG RT @RJdelaFuente: OMG!500,000+ views in less than 3 days! My cousin @gabvalenciano‘s video went VIRAL! https://t.co/l26leHp9wW
— Gabriel Valenciano (@gabvalenciano) September 23, 2013
In any case, we’ve reached out to Mr. Valenciano for an explanation and we’ll update if he gets back to us. Until then, enjoy the mesmerizing “Super Selfie” viral video above.