When we read LeBron James’ announcement about his return to Cleveland the first time we thought it was a well-thought out bit of prose. It explained all of the reasons why he left the Cavaliers in the first place and why he had decided to come back home. But then we heard Frank Caliendo read the letter using Morgan Freeman’s voice… Now we’re not sure if all the hype surrounding the Decision 2.0 was worth it.
LeBron James is the best player in the NBA and his decision to play in Cleveland next year shifts the landscape of the league. Still, it’s just basketball. The letter, when Frank Caliendo reads it, makes it sound like LBJ is returning from a war to join a band of misfits at the start of a revolution.
Here’s the “LeBron James Redemption” by Morgan Freeman (Frank Caliendo).
Seriously, it’s just a game. Frank Caliendo basically makes LeBron James’ decision to play in Cleveland sound like LeBron James decided to sacrifice himself in order to save the world.
It’s awesome. It’s over-dramatic. And it’s hilarious. What did you think of “LeBron James Redemption?”