Facebook Posts By Industry, Study Discovers ‘Best Days’ To Engage With Customers

Facebook Best Days To Post

The art of Facebook post engagement is a tricky science that can require split testing, a bit of luck and a true understanding of your user base. Now a new study from the analysts at LinchpinSEO explores the best times to engage with Facebook customers. The study specifically examines which industry’s require commenting on certain days of the week.

The study is many ways seems counterintuitive, for example, banks are typically closed for most of the weekend, yet they receive most of their social media engagement outside of regular business hours.

In fact, most major business sectors appear to be working on a weekend schedule, with the exception of Technology based businesses which receive the most engagement on Mondays. In fact technology based businesses who post on Facebook receive 30% higher engagement rates on Monday.

The Facebook posts by industry study also finds that Facebook Likes make up 79% of all social interaction on the network, followed by Comments at 15% and Shares at 6% of the overall interaction.

Here’s the full infographic with further engagement interaction numbers based on several major industry’s:

Facebook Days By Industry



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