If you don’t like to hear children swearing (reevaluate your lifestyle choices) definitely do not play this video.
A group of girls, ages 6-13, have gotten dressed up like beautiful princesses and dropped some real truth and major f-bombs for feminism. They really get into it. Not because they get to swear, but because they get to speak about feminism in a bold and brash way.
The video produced by FCKH8.com, has these girls tell society that some of our standards and what we considered fair is still bullsh*t. That society shouldn’t be offended by curse words, but we should be offended women are still getting paid less than men.
FCKH8 is “Asking the question, “What’s more offensive? A little girl saying f*ck or the sexist way society treats girls and women” these adorably articulate little ladies in sparkling tiaras turn the “princess in distress” stereotype on its head and contrast the F-word with words and statistics society should find shocking such as “pay inequality” and “rape.” The video also features a 12 year-old boy wearing a pink gown standing up against sexism saying, “When you tell boys not to ‘act like a girl,’ it’s because you think it’s bad to be a girl.”
Along with the video, t-shirts are being sold that state “Girls Just Want to Have FUN-damental Rights.”
If you guessed your Wednesday morning would start off with small children swearing at you, wait, there is no way you thought that.
[Photo credit: Vimeo]