Ellen Page thanked her fans for support on Twitter after she announced at an LGBT conference on Friday that she is gay. The actress made the revelation in a speech at the Time to THRIVE conference put on by the Human Rights Campaign.
Thank you @HRC and everyone for all the love and support. X
— Ellen Page (@EllenPage) February 15, 2014
Page explained in her speech, “I am here today because I am gay. And because … maybe I can make a difference.” She added of her decision to come out, “I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission. I suffered for years, because I was scared to be out.” After the announcement celebrities and fans alike voiced their support for Ellen Page on Twitter.
I just watched Ellen Page come out! Wow! What a speech! Congrats!! #HRC #TimeToThrive https://t.co/XqKyusVq9A — Lance Bass (@LanceBass) February 15, 2014
I applaud Ellen Page for her bravery,what an amazing speech! https://t.co/wDMTgt4k28 — Lzzy Hale (@LZZYHALE) February 15, 2014
Hey @EllenPage…Be my Valentine? #respect — Kate Mara (@_KateMara) February 15, 2014
Props to @EllenPage for helping so many people through their daily struggles by courageously leading by example and coming out on V Day! — Emile Hirsch (@EmileHirsch) February 15, 2014
Mad mad mad mad mad mad crazy love and praise for @EllenPage today. Congrats to you, you light, talent, and beauty. — Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) February 15, 2014
Congrats my friend 😉 @EllenPage — Evan Rachel Wood (@evanrachelwood) February 15, 2014
The actress even got props from Sir Patrick Stewart, an actor who is also an advocate for women.
“@EllenPage: Thank you @HRC and everyone for all the love and support. X” And I’ll chime in with mine.
— Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) February 15, 2014
Ellen Page’s full speech can be seen below.