Eek! American Sniper Chris Kyle Is Getting Burned Online

After news surfaced today of Chris Kyle's shady claims, the internet is burning him up.

chris kyle american sniper

The story of American Sniper Chris Kyle has been in the news for a couple years now. He wrote a best-selling book that inspired a movie and there for a couple years he was the epitome of patriotism. If you haven’t seen/read the book it was the stereotypical story of Uncle Sam’s golden child. A mid-western boy gets pissed after 9/11 and goes overseas to shoot him some terrorists. And this is America, we love that kind of stuff. His status as an American hero exploded again when he was killed by another veteran who was mentally unstable. In the end of the movie “American Sniper” there’s a heart-wrenching clip of the real Chris Kyle’s funeral that will make even the most cynical hippie get a little choked up.

But recent news has surfaced that shows that American Sniper Chris Kyle lied about his medal count. He wrote in his book that he received two silver stars and five bronze stars. In actuality he earned one silver star and three bronze stars, which, while still admirable, isn’t quite the same.

He also lied in his book about beating up Jesse Ventura.

And then there’s this little ditty from a Donald Trump spinoff

Featured Image: [Flickr/Mike Mozart]

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