5-Year-Old With Down Syndrome Is Taking The Modeling World By Storm

down syndrome

After posing as a Christmas bauble, Frankie Porter, 5, is slowly but surely taking the modeling world by storm – Down Syndrome, and all.

via Facebook; 5-year-old Frankie Porter is wow’ing modeling critics

Frankie Porter initially began modeling 9 months ago and has since featured in huge campaigns with Jeans for Genes, Marks and Spencer as well as featuring in this years Sainsbury’s Xmas advert.

Adam Goswell, 38, and Vicky Porter, 43, Frankie’s parents, signed their son up with a modeling agency after catching wind of Zebedee Management – who exclusively represent persons with a range of disabilities.

With three shoots for big brands under his belt thus far, Frankie’s modeling triumphs are set to persist. A bauble in the Sainsbury’s festive advert, his latest shoot, has since gone viral.

via Twitter

“I took him for a photo shoot in March this year just to see if he liked it and he took to it like a duck to water and really enjoyed it,” said Vicky.

“Frankie had always enjoyed having his picture taken but I was so proud of him after his first shoot. He takes direction really well despite the fact he uses Makaton – a language program that uses signs and symbols – as a form of communication as he struggles sometimes.

“People are always surprised that he’s relatively new to it all, he will happily sit and pose for hours as the photographer takes his picture. We put together a portfolio for him and we haven’t looked back since, he has been so popular. His school shares his news in their newsletters and on their social media pages – it’s like he’s a little celebrity.”


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