Twitter and the rest of the internet is in a constant love/hate relationship with Donald Trump, we love that he’s there to make fun of, but we hate that he’s actually there and though there still isn’t any strong and concrete indication who might be Donald Trump’s running mate, the friendly people on the world-wide web have some suggestions.
There are two kinds of people that could pick as his running mate, he could pick somebody serious that will help him do well in a general election. This might be somebody like Chris Christie. Or, and I’d actually like this more, he could pick somebody who is just as batty as him, maybe the head of the Kentucky branch of the NRA or the most recent cop to get fired for racial profiling. Here are a few people that it could honestly be, and though there isn’t a #DonaldTrumpsRunningMate hashtag trending yet, it can’t be long until there is because we’re quickly approaching the time that normal politicians make that announcement. Then again, Donald Trump is not a normal politician.
Donald Trump’s fundraising totals are “disastrously bad.” That's why his running mate is rumoured to be 5000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies.
— 22Minutes (@22_Minutes) June 22, 2016
This one is a little morbid.
Donald Trump’s fundraising totals are “disastrously bad.” That's why his running mate is rumoured to be 5000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies.
— 22Minutes (@22_Minutes) June 22, 2016
This just in: Donald Trump's hair has chosen Tom Selleck's mustache as it's running mate for #Election2016
— Rick Garrett (@IndyCacher) June 16, 2016
A lot of people kind of figure that the Donald’s running mate will probably just be a hologram or cloned version of himself.
Prediction – Donald Trump's running mate will just be a hologram of himself.
— Mark Schenkel (@SchenkelTown) June 13, 2016
Can Charlie Sheen please be Donald Trump's running mate so we can be sure that we drive civilization off of a cliff?
— James Gummer (@jamesgummer) June 11, 2016
Featured Image: [Flickr/Donkey Hotey]
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