If you’ve never beheld the orgasmic pleasure of the scalp massager, buy one on Amazon right now and sit in front of your door every day until it arrives. It is, quite simply, one of the greatest inventions ever, and we hope that whoever made it is enjoying well-deserved mai tais on his well-deserved island right now.
The thing has the power to cause full-grown men to lose complete bladder control (not speaking from experience *cough*) and can make those days birthed from the deepest corners of hell disappear in heavenly bliss.
How awesome are they? Just have a look at that happy pup above. The photo, posted to reddit by brownshugguh, made it all the way to the front page today, but we don’t know if that’s due to the dog, or a testament to the greatness of the scalp massager. Is there an r/scalpmassager? There should be an r/scalpmassager.