Crazed Dog Bites Off Man’s Weiner As He Talks To Neighbor Over Fence


A man’s penis was maimed by a loony dog, he has alleged.

The victim, from Jamaica, told reporters: “The dog bite me pan mi he*d.”; Photo: Giphy

The man, known as Neily, was conversing with his neighbor over a fence when the vile incident took place.

Neily, from Jamaica, is now nursing wrenching injuries to his phallus, says reports.

However, the victim admitted he is fortunate the injuries were not more severe.

Reports too say the woman’s dogs have attacked before, but never a man’s schmeckle.; Photo: Giphy

Specifically, Neily was chatting with a woman at her gate in the Stony Hill area of countryside Saint Andrew when he was ambushed by one of her dogs.

Reports say news of the freakish weiner attack spread quickly.

Neily told the press, which quotes him in the local dialect: “The dog bite me pan mi he*d.

“Him push him mouth through the grille, because mi deh close and bite me pan mi h*ad.”

The media said he was rushed to the Stony Hill clinic where he was rapidly attended to.

“The nurse dem look after it and kill the pain and everything,” he furthered.

“Dem kill out the disease.

“Mi nah go near dem dog deh again yah man.”

Neily included that he would not be looking to prosecute the dogs’ owners; Photo: Giphy

Reports too say the woman’s dogs have attacked before, but never a man’s schmeckle.

A neighbor supposedly told papers (local dialect) : “A some aggressive dogs dem, enuh. Dem will attack people you go close to the premises.

“But a di first time we a hear dem bite off piece of penis. Glad di dog never take off everything still.”

Many state dog-bite laws make the “owner or keeper” of a dog liable for injury or damage the dog causes; Photo: Giphy

Neily included that he would not be looking to prosecute the dogs’ owners, as they ran him for medical attention and assured that he was taken care of following the mauling.

The Stony Hill police are cognizant of the event.


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