Dirtymouth Facebook App Tells You All The NSFW Stuff You Said

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If you’ve ever wondered precisely how “blue” you’ve been on Facebook, the Dirtymouth app will tell you … but be prepared to blush.

It’s not often we’re confronted with our own Dirtymouth dirty mouths all at once — but all you have to do is authorize permission to scan your Facebook chatter for NSFW language on the app, and a list pops up from which you can repost the particularly amusing ones.

I was surprised looking at my own Dirtymouth results to realize that most of my swearing and/or questionable commentary is either mild half-swears (of the “hell” variety) or related to political frustrations.

Another common pattern was a Pinkman-style propensity for punctuating with “bitches,” for which I offer no apology. Some examples:

“Cherry limeade, bitches.”

“Boringest status ever, anyone know where I can get a milkshakey coffee up in this bitch?”

“Bitch, are you still coming to New York?”

“Bitch, you are asking for it.”


“I’m so glad Mayor McDouchnozzle has time to order my diet coke for me. Meanwhile, I had to canoe my fat ass out of Bed Stuy tonight because this city is a disaster. In other news, this weather is totally bullshit.”

“Because wow, look, Andrew Breitbart doesn’t give a fuck!”

“I am no macroeconomics person. But is it easier to control what happens in China, which is not under our jurisdiction, or is it easier to tax the shit out of jerk companies that send American jobs to China? Discuss.”

And wearied observations:

“When someone calls me ma’am they are usually either being condescending or about to dick me around. Always.”

Incidentally, our own Mike Stenger addresses how to “clean” your Facebook dirty mouth in this video:

Check out your own dirty mouth with the Dirtymouth Facebook app — which, incidentally, seems to mark the word “gay” as possibly dirty. Have you been more or less explicit than you thought in status updates on the social network?



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