DeLorean Pulled Over For ‘Leaky Flux Capacitor’


Calling all Back To The Future fans! The DeLorean has been spotted and some say it might even have a “leaky flux capacitor.”

On Saturday, Officers of the Central Motorway Police Group spotted the DeLorean being transported by a trailer. The officers just had to have some fun. The officers pulled the replica over on the grounds that it had a ‘leaky flux capacitor’ and said they needed to investigate the car. If you remember from the Back To The Future trilogy, the flux capacitor was the main component of the DeLorean that allowed it to travel in time. If you haven’t seen the films, shame on you. Let’s take a look back at that iconic scene where the DeLorean is introduced.

The authorities took to Twitter to share their discovery.

People immediately began to retweet the status and ask questions. One user asked what was the reason the DeLorean was pulled over.

Built in Belfast, the DeLorean replica is used at events, such as weddings and parties. It looks extremely similar to the real thing, so kudos to the builder.

The owner of the model, who ironically prefers to be called Doc Brown, also got into the Twitter fun.

After the police took pictures, the DeLorean was allowed to continue on with its’ journey.

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