Daisy Coleman’s mom is speaking out after her daughter’s attempted suicide this weekend. Coleman, 14, made international headlines after she was allegedly raped, bullied, and run out of town from Maryville, Missouri.
Coleman was taken to a children’s psychiatric hospital in Kansas City and is in stable condition, according to her mother, Melinda, who explained the situation to Fox4KC. Daisy apparently attended a party on Saturday night and was attacked immediately afterward on several Twitter accounts.
Daisy’s story gained international attention after it was published in October. It spurred a national outrage fueled by Anonymous, which launched #OpMaryville and #Justice4Daisy to spread a video warning the Missouri town of retribution, unless it reopened her case.
Anonymous stated, “If Maryville won’t defend these young girls, if the police are too cowardly or corrupt to do their jobs, if justice system has abandoned them, then someone else will have to stand for them.” Nodaway County Prosecutor responded quickly, asking for a special prosecutor and a new investigation into the charges against Daisy Coleman’s attackers.
The teen’s mom broke her silence after rumors began that her daughter attempted suicide. On Monday morning, Melinda Coleman wrote, “Where is anonymous now? My daughter has been terrorized to the point she tried to kill herself last night. She may never be ok. Where are you and your super hacking skills and internet help now…….we really need them.”
[h/t The Daily Dot]