Creative Thanksgiving Desserts: Popular Parenting Pinterest Pin Picks

Creative Thanksgiving Desserts

Thanksgiving is less than three weeks away. As I plan my menu for the big meal, I have been glued to Pinterest hunting for new recipes to try. Some of the Thanksgiving recipes pins that I have found are just amazing! For my Popular Parenting Pinterest Pin Picks of the week, here are my top pins inspired by creative Thanksgiving desserts.

Popular Oreo Pin

Oreos are one of my favorite cookies and a super popular ingredient in many creative desserts. For my top Thanksgiving Oreo dessert idea, check out the Oreo turkeys from Our Best Bites.

Oreo Turkeys

Popular Pilgrim Pin

The first Thanksgiving took place over 300 years ago with Pilgrims and Native Americans in attendance. For a Pilgrim-inspired dessert, try the festive Thanksgiving Pilgrim hat cookies from Oh So Savvy Mom.

Thanksgiving Pilgrim Hat Cookies

Popular Peanut Butter Pin

Peanut butter is a tasty treat any time of the year. For a creative dessert for you Thanksgiving menu that incorporates peanut butter, check out the turkey Nutter Butter cookies from Frugal Coupon Living.

Turkey Nutter Butter Cookies

Popular Acorn Pin

Acorns make me think of autumn. For a seasonal dessert for the Thanksgiving table, try the super easy but super delicious chocolate Kiss acorn treats from Little Nummies.

Chocolate Kiss Acorn TreatsChocolate Kiss Acorn Treats

Popular Cupcake Pin

Of all the Thanksgiving-themed creative desserts on Pinterest, my favorite by far are the Thanksgiving dinner cupcakes from Make Bake Celebrate. I am simply amazed by the cupcakes that look like a turkey leg, yams with marshmallows, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, buttered corn, and stuffing!

Thanksgiving Dinner Cupcakes

Do you have a favorite creative Thanksgiving dessert pin? Share in the comments below.

Read more from Heather Johnson at The Parenting Patch.

Jean-Pierre Fumey
Jean-Pierre Fumey is a multi-language communication expert and freelance journalist. He writes for and has over 8 years in media and PR. Jean-Pierre crafts engaging articles, handles communication projects, and visits conferences for the latest trends. His vast experience enriches with insightful and captivating content.


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