COVID-19 Survivor Gets Hit with a $1.1 million, 181-page Hospital Bill

hospital bill

A COVID-19 survivor was recently slapped with a $1,122,501.04 hospital bill that’s more like a book with it spanning a staggering 181 pages.

70-year-old Michael Flor, who in the spring came so close to death that a nurse on the night-shift held a mobile phone to his ear while his kids and wife spoke their final farewells, is recovering beautifully these days in West Seattle at his home. However, he claims his heart nearly failed a second time when he received the bill from his health treatment trek the other day. “I opened it and said ‘holy [bleep]!” explained Flor.

hospital bill
via TBS News; Michael Flor’s 7-figure hospital bill almost floored him

The bill is conceptually an account of charges, and for now, it’s got Flor and his family marveling at the excessive expense, and outlandish economics, of health care in America. For 62 days, he was in Swedish Medical Center with the coronavirus. The charge for Flor’s room in the ICU was billed at $9,735 per day. Due to the infectious nature of the germ, the room was airtight and only medical workers wearing headgear and plastic suits could enter the room. For 42 days they had him in this reclusiveness chamber, which totaled up to $408,913. For 29 days, Flor was on a mechanical ventilator also, with the utilization of the machine invoiced at $2,836 per day, which tallied up to $82,214. Drug costs make up 25% of the bill.

There is hope for Flor, though. There are extraordinary financial rules that apply solely to COVID-19. Congress put aside $100 billion or so to help insurance companies and hospitals underwrite the costs of the epidemic, in part to incentivize people to seek treatment and testing (including ones with no insurance). As a result, Flor most likely won’t have to pay even his out-of-pocket charges associated with his Medicare Advantage policy, which could have totaled $6,000.


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