Cop Caught On Video Snapping Pics Of Woman’s Butt At A Concert

woman's butt

A Houston cop, in full uniform, was busted on video at a Drake concert evidently taking pics of a woman’s butt as she stood in front of him, oblivious of what was going on behind her.

woman's butt
HPD officer enjoying the view of woman’s butt at a rap concert; Photo: Facebook

Twitter user @HeyChalice recorded the moment and uploaded it to Twitter Sunday night during Drake & Migos’ Houston tour stop.

The concert took place at the Toyota Center. Minutes later, she filmed a second video clip of the uniformed officer, whose sleeve insignia reveals he holds the rank of sergeant accordant to the Houston Chronicle, in which she theorizes that he was then sending the pic he snapped “to his homie cops.”

The preliminary video went viral almost instantaneously. As of Monday morning, it had been retweeted roughly 25,000 times.

The twitter user who uploaded the footage did not wish to be named, and told reporters, who addressed her only by the first name Jessica, that she chuckled at the incident initially, “like wow, I can’t believe what I’m seeing.”

However she also expressed on Twitter that, later in the show, she too followed up with the shapely woman, pulling her to the side in one of the restrooms in the venue to inform her what the police officer behind her was doing.

“She laughed and asked me to text her videos, so if it makes y’all feel any better she doesn’t feel violated,” Jessica tweeted.


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