Newtown, CT – Today’s Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting brought the nation to a silent standstill this morning. Though many are still reeling from the appalling shock of 20 children confirmed dead thus far, Hundreds have already taken to Twitter this afternoon to call for greater gun control.
“Today’s not … a day to engage in the usual Washington policy debates,” press secretary Jay Carney told reporters. “That day will come, but today’s not that day.” Jezebel kindly disagrees. Katie J.M. Baker writes “The only acceptable explanation for that statement is that you got cut off from saying, ‘because yesterday was.’ ”
She’s not alone. Twitter is overflowing with calls for greater gun control. Though there are also plenty of opposing views as well, there’s a general sense that social is saying “Today isn’t the day to talk about gun control. Today is the day to finally do something about it.”
Guns don’t kill people. Excuses for delaying gun control legislation kill people.
— dan guterman (@danguterman) December 14, 2012
RT @jonlovett: We need to stop saying ‘gun control’ and start saying ‘massacre prevention.’
— emokidsloveme (@emokidsloveme) December 14, 2012
Under the 1st Amendment you have the right to free speech, but only so long as you never discuss gun control, especially after a shooting.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) December 14, 2012
How many times does this have to happen for people to realize we need gun control?! This is just absolutely horrible. No words.
— Nishtha Patel (@NishthaPatel) December 14, 2012
Today is NOT the day to talk about gun control, Today is the day to finally DO SOMETHING about it! PLEASE RETWEET
— Russell Simmons (@UncleRUSH) December 14, 2012
Sign this WH petition on gun control. It takes 2 minutes.
— aarons (@harpoonmusic) December 14, 2012
Am I the only one to find the haste with which advocates of gun control exploit tragedies like this to advance their cause distasteful?
— Toby Young (@toadmeister) December 14, 2012
Enough vagueness. We want gun control. Take Action with @roots_action right now.We can do this.
— Jeff Cohen (@jeffcot) December 14, 2012
I love how people are saying that “this isn’t the right time for your opinion”, so when is? When does anyone want to talk about gun control?
— CarpetCrawler (@CarpetCrawlerDC) December 14, 2012
If you could save ONE child with gun control would you do it? If the answer isn’t yes then there’s something wrong with you.
— Pax Paxochka (@Paxochka) December 14, 2012
Gun control is our only road to freedom. Freedom from the fear of senselessly losing children. I’m so saddened. WE NEED LAWS NOW.
— Rashida Jones (@iamrashidajones) December 14, 2012
The way to honor these dead children is to demand strict gun control, free mental health care, and an end to violence as public policy.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 14, 2012
There are many more and many more to come on Twitter. Just search #guncontrol .