It’s OK, you can still share that Coke with Michael. That story about a Coca-Cola recall was a hoax.
The story was published by Empire News, a website dedicated to lies and rumors, and quickly spread around the internet. The hoax claimed that Coca-Cola bottles labeled “Share A Coke With Michael” were contaminated.
The article quotes a fake spokesperson saying: “Our investigation and research found a disgruntled employee, who is not being named due to criminal investigation, had been adding literal top soil – dirt – into her batches. If consumed, these bottles of cola are not necessarily considered dangerous so there is not cause for panic.”
Empire News states that it is a satirical website and that it should not be taken seriously. Still, some people believed that there was a massive Coca-Cola recall underway.
coke has a recall because some of the drinks have dirt in them. in the fine print it says “will refund, if the store doesn’t sell pepsi”
— tyler smith (@tylee_renee) August 1, 2014
Coke just announced a recall on every bottle with the name Michael because a worker out top soil in all the batches… — Steph Savage (@Steph_savage) July 31, 2014
Dont buy coke bottles with the name Michael on it . There was a recall
— TilWeOverdose (@Destin_ayye) July 31, 2014
There was no Coke recall. You can feel free to share your Coca-Cola with Michael or Juliette or just drink it yourself.
photo credit: the past tends to disappear via photopin cc