Warning: Arachophobes and those of gentle disposition turn back now! A photographer has been taking close-up snaps of a range of creepy crawlies, and the results will haunt your dreams. Sure, animator Joshua Slice may have had us fooled for a while with adorable YouTube sensation Lucas the Spider, but while we were letting our guard down, these beasts were roaming around our homes and gardens (and in this poor womans case, her ear!)
Taken using a special lense, photographer Javier Ruperez captures spiders and other insects in intricate detail. Subjects include flies, mosquitoes, and jumping spiders, all found near his home in Almáchar, Spain.
The 57-year-old said: “Taking photos with such extreme magnification is very complicated, and we try to capture the details of insects that are extremely small as if they were our size. This has a significant visual impact.
“Extreme macro work is very meticulous and complicated. I just concentrate on doing a good job, and I try to get photographs that are shocking to look at.
“The insects are not only beautiful, they are truly incredible. Each of them is different from the other, and they have a form and structure that can only be appreciated when we photograph them so closely.”
“When you see them up close, you can’t begin to imagine the details they have that you cannot usually see.
“These photographs have been taken using extreme macro technique. The magnifications are very large and therefore the depth of field is very small.
“I hold my breath, since there cannot be the slightest movement. It is very interesting to observe the appearance of insects when they are seen so closely.”
So, have these close-ups made you appreciate insects in a whole new light? Or do you think they’re as gross as ever? Tell us in the comments!