Cliff Blezsinki Defends Facebook’s Oculus VR Acquisition, Calls Minecraft’s Creator A ‘Pouty Kid’

Cliffy B and Facebook and Oculus VR

Cliff Bleszinski didn’t mince words with gaming community supporters when he came out this week in support of the Facebook-Oculus VR acquisition.

On his popular Clifford Unchained blog Cliffy B. writes:

IF [the Oculus Rift] is going to be (hopefully) a dedicated system instead of a (ugh) peripheral they need their version of whatever the app store would be. Your device is only as good as the store and community around it; if users can’t say shut up and take my money, if developers can’t post their work then the device will ultimately flounder. Facebook can assist with this sort of thing, as well as having a multi billion user reach.

Cliffy B. didn’t just support Facebook, he attacked Minecraft creator  Markus “Notch” Persson. As we previously reporters, Notch pulled his games future support from the Oculus Rift because he finds Facebook to be “creepy.”

In addressing Notch directly Cliff Blezsinski writes:

Notch, your cancelling Minecraft makes you look like a pouty kid who is taking his ball and going home. It’s a bratty and petty move and it saddens me greatly.

With $2 billion already spent and years of development ahead, we will withhold some of our judgement about the acquisition until we see some results.




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