Cinemagram, a video looping app created by the team at Factyle, has launched on the Google Android platform. Factyle helped usher in video clip sharing on the iOS platform in 2011.
The Google Android app brings Cinemagram’s “cine” creation tools to the Android platform, allowing users to create short animated GIF clips. Clips can be shared with social network followers to create a truly immersive system.
Twitter’s Vine platform has not yet launched for Google Android, giving Cinemagram the early lead in the popular smartphone sector.
While Cinemagram offers Vine functionality, the service is more robust, providing users with expanded filters and editing options. For example, users can mask certain areas of their capture in order to animate specific parts of a larger frame.
The program is still very much in beta testing and appears to be a rushed port. Users have reported various bugs and performance issues with the platform.
A recent Vine job posting indicates that Twitter is hoping to bring the platform to the Android OS in the near future. If Cinemagram can gain first-mover momentum it might carve out a market for itself ahead of Vine’s arrival.
Factyle has a good amount of support for its product base, recently raising $8.5 million in Series A funding.