If the Boy Scouts won’t end their ban on gay troops for the right reasons (you know, equal rights), maybe they’ll change the policy for Carly Rae Jepson.
The pop singer announced today on Twitter that she was cancelling her upcoming show for the Boy Scouts because she doesn’t want to support an organization that doesn’t treat all people equally.
As an artist who believes in equality for all people, I will not be participating in the Boy Scouts of America Jamboree this summer…
— Carly Rae Jepsen (@carlyraejepsen) March 5, 2013
I always have and will continue to support the LGBT community on a global level …
— Carly Rae Jepsen (@carlyraejepsen) March 5, 2013
and stay informed on the ever changing landscape in the ongoing battle for gay rights in this country and across the globe.
— Carly Rae Jepsen (@carlyraejepsen) March 5, 2013
The Inquisitr reports that Carly Rae Jepsen isn’t the only one performer to cancel their appearance at the annual Jamboree. The Band Train was scheduled to appear but recently announced that they would be cancelling their show.
Train said in a statement:
“When we booked this show for the Boy Scouts of America, we were not aware of any policy barring openly gay people from participation within the organization. Train strongly opposes any kind of policy that questions the equality of any American citizen. We have always seen the BSA as a great and noble organization. We look forward to participating in the Jamboree this summer, as long as they make the right decision before then.”