Britney Spears has sold millions of albums, a star on the walk of fame, and a Grammy Award. But can she really sing? A leaked version of the singer’s new song “Alien” features Britney Spears without auto-tune and it doesn’t sound pretty.
Now, there are a number of possible reasons as to why Britney Spears sounds terrible on this rendition of “Alien.”
For one, this may have been a warm-up track. Producer William Orbit said that every singer needs a couple of attempts to get a track perfect.
Second, Britney may have not been giving it her all. According to Orbit, sometimes a singer, if they are feeling generous, will do a pre-recording to help the sound engineers get the levels right.
Lastly, Britney Spears just can’t sing.
Here’s the song “Alien” featuring Britney Spears without auto-tune.
Orbit said: “I’d like to affirm that ANY singer when first at the mic at the start of a long session can make a multitude of vocalizations in order to get warmed up … Warming up is essential if you’re a pro, as it is with a runner doing stretches, and it takes a while to do properly. I’ve heard all manner of sounds emitted during warm-ups. The point is that it is not supposed to be shared with millions of listeners.”
Britney Spears has had a long career and she’s one of the best selling recording artists of all-time, so it’s pretty hard to believe that she can’t actually sing. Still, Twitter voiced their disappointment with the latest track and mocked Spears for her poor singing.
Listening to Britney Spears w/o auto tune bc nothing makes me feel better abt myself than hearing a depressed, recovering alcoholic mom fail
— Amy Click (@amyclizabeth) July 9, 2014
It’s crazy to me that it’s 2014 & people are still surprised that Britney Spears isn’t a vocalist. Where have u been for the past 16 years? — jersace (@jersing) July 9, 2014
[“Britney Spears Navy” by U.S. Navy photo by Chief Warrant Officer 4 Seth Rossman. – Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.]