A 7-year-old boy from India improbably had 526 teeth taken out after visiting Saveetha Dental College with jaw discomfort.

The poor child dropped by the hospital with severe swelling in his jaw, and physicians learned he had way more teeth than usual — hundreds more than the average — a total of 526, to be accurate. Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, in Chennai, swiftly got to work and swept him in for surgery where they abstracted a “bag like mass” which held all the small extra tooth-like entities. In case that’s not dreadful enough for you, Saveetha Dental published images, since they state it’s the first time this many teeth have been unearthed in one person, and that’s sort of a large deal in the dental world. Once the team got all the teeth out of the pitiful kid, they organized them in a kind of portentous spiral.
On a crudity scale spanning from live bees crawling into your eyeballs to imbibe your tears to Sandra Lee popping a rear end cyst, we’d say this is unwaveringly a “thanks but no thanks” tale, however to ice the cake, the hospital claims the boy lived likely for years with these extra teeth. His parents informed them they detected swelling when he was a 3-year-old, though he declined to be examined, which evidently got him out of it. So in a nutshell, if you haven’t been to the dentist in a long while…now is the perfect time to make an appointment! Just throwing that in there.
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