Cats are generally considered more mischievous than dogs, but this determined beagle may take the cake. Lucy really really wants chicken nuggets, and with her owners gone, there’s no one around to stop her.
Using her four paws, the pooch moves a chair into the right position, leaps onto the counter, slinks past the sink, and opens the toaster oven with her paw. She then knocks the entire tray of food to the ground. Om nom nom.
As owner Rodd Scheinerman explains, “Lucy is always getting into trouble, Everyday when we got home the chair is moved and little footprints are on the counter. Sometimes food would be missing.” The beagle even stole a filet roast that was meant for guests.
So, Rodd set her up. He added, “I set up a camera on a tripod pointing at the small toaster oven. Put the chicken nuggets in the oven turned the oven on for 12 minutes and left for the grocery stores. 40 minutes later, I came home with pan on the floor. Gotcha!!!!!”
The video was posted last summer, but is just now going viral.